Be Committed

It is completely possible to become a member of the church and then do nothing. If that is something you desire, then Gateway probably isn't the place for you. We believe the Bible teaches commitment to the local church and for good reason. For example, in the New Testament book of Ephesians chapter 4, the author points out not only the unique giftedness that Jesus gives believers, but that there is an expectation to put those gifts into practice so that "we will no longer be immature like children. We won't be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever that they sound like the truth." Commitment to the local church means building relationships. Christians should live not as judgmental people, but as people who think the ways of Jesus are better than what the world has to offer. So, if someone for example felt wronged by someone and sought revenge through harm or malicious intent, as committed followers of Jesus, we would seek to bring healing to that hurt through addressing it in a loving spirit. Or, for example, if someone was living with hatred toward a perceived or actual enemy, the committed Christian would help that person to practice the way of Jesus and try to love that enemy by praying for them.
Being a committed member of Gateway means putting your gifts into practice and walk arm in arm with others who have similar or even different gifts to make the world a better place. There are some committed followers of Christ who struggle to find their spiritual gifts. We like to ask those people to look inside themselves and ask the question, "What breaks your heart?" It is there we believe that God has given you a unique burden that others might not have. Perhaps you are in love with worship, then seek to become involved in worship. Perhaps you love to teach, then we'll work together with you to find a place to teach. The possibilities are endless because there aren't a shortage of needs in the world. Together we will work to make sure your commitment is making a spiritual/financial/relational difference in the lives of others.