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The early church met in homes and were under the oversight of shepherds (also called elders), that provided spiritual guidance and protection over the members of the church. For reference, feel free to read about these awesome men in the New Testament books of Titus chapter 1, 1 Timothy 5, Acts 14, and 1 Peter 5. Likewise, Gateway has shepherds we appoint to oversee the affairs of the church and ensure that you are your family are encouraged and growing as a Christian.
The burden isn't easy for these leader either. The Bible teaches that these men bear a great responsibility for properly overseeing the church. Shepherds are called to "handle the word of truth with great care" (2 Timothy 2:15). Among their responsibilities they are to watch for situations in the church that might cause a division and work to come to a peaceful resolution. So as they protect they also are peacemakers, prayer warriors, teachers that lead by example and decision makers. What does this mean for you? Simply put, they are men that you can call upon when you are in need of spiritual wisdom and guidance. Members at Gateway are sorted into "zones" and each elder has a specific number of people within those zones that they look out for and pray over.